Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Woman married Song Zhongji PS avatar and get a card in Chongqing father s wrath

Urban heat on April 5, Korean fire the Sun descended from all over the country, hero Song Zhongji became a hot topic, even in the minds of many women's "new husband", white shirts with his friends registered as mashups, you PS your avatar with Song Zhongji collar "marriage certificate". Miss LI, 26, also follow the example of their avatar on the PS, and Tan on the network of "marriage", but the result is not entertaining others, but angered father ... ...

Sun and Song Zhongji "marriage certificate", and joked "I by the end of the"

Recent Korean descent of the Sun Fire, hero Song Zhongji photographs crowding the screen almost circle of friends. Tomb-sweeping day, Miss LI, 26, taking advantage of the holiday which engaged in planning, a man at home in Chongqing Ba Shucheng 6 phone. She did not, "Korea", no more episodes, but saw an Internet sensation "Song Zhongji registration of white shirts as" fun, will participate.

She asked college students to help their registration as together with Song Zhongji PS and PS two photos above the marriage certificate. After students help revised "marriage certificate", shake up, just like the real thing.

See friends in print such photos PS, Miss LI didn't feel wrong, at the micro-circle, this dynamic. "I was still thinking, we all know that Song Zhongji estimated members will also feel good to play. " Xinhua News Agency reporter experience a hospital

Miss Lee, a sister of Miss LI, forward this message and jokingly asked when her Banquet, she readily respond to this joke: this will be a seat, you will come to Korea for the wedding.

Took Li's surprise, Miss LI, the sister added the father of micro-signals, their conversations were father Li saw.

Dad angry phone calls lambasting, explaining half an hour to figure out

Miss LI's father in dianjiang County home. See conversation, immediately phoned her daughter: which agree to marry you? You keep my card? Where is the man? ……

Were scolded by dad right, Miss Lee received a response from, explains most of the day, also taught my father Internet search "Song Zhongji" and the words of the descendants of the Sun, father saw news search, didn't blame her.

However, this thing was really nervous by the father, his daughter after the talk, repeatedly saying: "you're my baby girl, don't hold us to steal account of the marriage, what you must think it over before doing it. "

This "marriage" Black Dragon event, not only scared the father, friends even know, also have been spooked. On April 4, at Chongqing University professional reading senior friend Jiejie interviewed. "Our young people know who Song Zhongji, PS this picture too but her true, those old friends don't know the stem, just nervous, how all of a sudden got married. "

Ching Ming Festival these days, Miss LI is stuck in this thing, someone whisper micro letters congratulating her wedding day, or someone she so hot like this man, Miss Li explains each of them individually, just managed to stop.

Reporters also Miss Lee and her boyfriend on the phone, very quiet boyfriend, this is: "she was mischievous, I was angry not because such things, let dad think of her nervous, I felt very funny. "

Li also summarizes life joke but can't open, had jokes to the wrong person would have gone like this thing, generation as the father who doesn't know this TERRIER.

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