Saturday, October 31, 2015

The 21st century business Herald China under provincial environmental monitoring

45, the State will be under provincial environmental agencies monitoring the monitoring law enforcement vertical management system.

18 plenary session Communique suggested that the country will pursue the "most stringent environmental protection regime" imposed under provincial law enforcement agencies to monitor the monitor vertical management system of environmental protection.

"Monitoring and surveillance and law enforcement are very basic and important work of environmental protection departments, provincial ruler of the reform shows that the Central Government's determination to break local protectionism. "An official from the Ministry of environmental protection on the 21st century business Herald said.

A local environmental protection official told the 21st century business Herald analysis of the sector, "the 18 session of the decision adopted by the proposed independent environmental regulation and administrative law enforcement, now 18 plenary further, which will greatly promote the regional monitoring and surveillance and law enforcement system. "

Vertical management of environmental monitoring station below the provincial, local administrative interference

"The so-called vertical management under provincial environmental monitoring agencies, refers to the city and county environmental monitoring agencies provincial environmental protection departments under the vertical management. "Said environmental Ministry officials on the 21st century business Herald explained.

At present provincial environmental protection Bureau with environmental monitoring central station, EPA generally includes municipal and county level environmental monitoring station, they are all local environmental protection departments affiliated institutions.

"City and county environmental monitoring station led directly by the local environmental protection Bureau, the local environmental protection Bureau is a local government administrative departments, their positions, personnel, salary, bonuses, are funded by local government and party Committee. "Tsinghua University public administration Professor Qi ye pointed out that this system leads to city and County Government in the profit-driven, likely to interfere with the monitoring data for environmental monitoring.

"After the vertical management, city and county environmental monitoring stations will be centrally managed by the provincial environmental monitoring center, guaranteed by the provincial government on its funding, so out of financial dependence on the city and County Government can reduce direct administrative interference of the city and County. "Said environmental Ministry official explained. XI Jinping leaves for Sino US heads of State talks

A local environmental protection official told the 21st century business Herald said under provincial environmental monitoring body vertical management, environmental monitoring central station will break, provincial financial departments need a substantial increase in its budget the amount of guarantee.

21st century business Herald was informed that, after the city and county environmental monitoring body to implement the provincial ruler, provincial environmental monitoring center unified reference public class of institution management.

Meanwhile, the Environmental Protection Department is working on the development of the national programme for environmental quality monitoring powers up, preliminary considerations on the "Thirteen-Five" within the first three years, through the "three-step" of national environmental quality monitoring of environmental quality control points in the network monitoring powers, is up to the Central Government.

Below the provincial level environmental supervision and law enforcement in the vertical management, staffing challenges faced

Compared to vertical management under provincial environmental monitoring agencies, law enforcement agencies under provincial environmental monitoring vertical management more complex.

The so-called environmental monitoring, primarily under the leadership of the people's Governments and environmental protection departments at all levels, law on pollution discharge of pollutants in the area and the marine and ecological destruction events and on-site supervision, inspection, and participate in the process.

Institute for resources and environment, development research center of the State Council policy explain Chang Jiwen, Deputy Director, monitoring enforcement and regulatory enforcement is different, which is from top to bottom of monitor, such as spot checks, inspections or accountability, regulatory enforcement rights but did not intervene, the latter refers to the everyday environment of the local environmental protection departments have authority, such as vehicle emission management, total control and issuance of permits.

21st century business Herald was informed that General in the Office of the provincial environmental protection Bureau has environmental surveillance and law enforcement contingents, municipal environmental protection Bureau with environmental surveillance and law enforcement detachment, there is environmental monitoring the enforcement agency in the County Environmental Protection Bureau, they are all local environmental protection departments affiliated institutions.

At present, a provincial team of environmental surveillance and law enforcement system, not small in scale, in central province, for example, over a total of more than 4,000 environmental surveillance and law enforcement personnel in the province.

"Environmental monitoring law enforcement Corps of about 50 people, detachment personnel about 20-40 people, County battalion numbers vary greatly, leaving dozens of people, as many as hundreds of people. "One of the central provinces of provincial Department of environmental protection officials, the 21st century business Herald introduced, in the team of more than 4,000 people, about thousands of people without formal career preparation.

Provincial environment supervision and law enforcement agencies of the following vertical management, is converting all civil servants to management in the future, or continue as an institution of public management personnel to manage?

Former Central Province Environmental Protection Bureau officials, if you do not manage it as a civil servant, its law enforcement capacity is still limited. "Environmental monitoring law enforcement because it is a public institution system, delegate its law enforcement powers from the Environmental Protection Department, which to a large extent, affected its enforcement authority. "

"If you change it to civil servants to suddenly increased so much the civil service establishment, too much in line with the streamlining of the administrative body of the direction of reform. "The official analysis.

Another possible preparation of the reform programme is a continuation of the previous institution. Such programmes need to address "due to the low law enforcement law enforcement authority of any of the old issues" and "team no institution in the preparation of the placement of the new issue of supernumerary personnel."

The official further noted that, "preliminary judgment, select them all to the reform of the civil service establishment are less likely, very likely to continue preparation of the reform programme. "

Meanwhile, after supervising the implementation of provincial ruler, staff will also be a new problem.

"Throughout the past environmental monitoring of law enforcement by local governments in accordance with the financial strength, importance and the level of sewage charges and other factors identified, staffing varies around. "Former environmental protection Bureau officials in the central provinces, it is recommended that after the provincial ruler, the provincial environmental monitoring law enforcement across the Corps in accordance with the monitoring task, especially the number of major pollution sources, to allocate these surveillance and law enforcement personnel.

In addition, there is a local environmental protection official told the 21st century business Herald expressed surprise that "inside the province, control, monitoring and surveillance and law enforcement in the District of, then what do counties according to the environmental protection law responsible for the quality of the local environment? Vertical management system of environmental protection in the province and territorial management how to effectively coordinate? "

Source: the 21st century business Herald

Original title: "Thirteen-Five" below the provincial environmental monitoring and surveillance and law enforcement to be vertical management

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