Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Today know about doctors teach man xueba poses

1, "IQ-so far! "-The xueba is how to efficiently learn, work and life?

Cosmic xueba Sheldon

Answers to this question which is what actually do ... ... You know when they look at the paper, when you play the game, somebody else in the fitness, people get up back words while you sleep, you finally decided to open the app to read going to rush this week's standings with a force, people have started to learn four foreign languages ... ... And eggs! The world itself is up to you and others, their people, and so on so many different groups, and there is no need to envy. Of course, if you genuinely want to change the status quo, that original post is still very dry, in addition to talent, but the most important thing is self-control, perseverance and time management. Learn xueba never mind, hope you can be recognized by their own every day.


I get the feeling, efficient learning and life, has no relationship with xueba are Standard Chartered, associated with their time, attitudes towards learning.

Like myself, I don't like dung walls, like playing games side stove reading books seeing the movie the ball game played in a daze lie countless leisure activities. However, I do not have nothing to do entertainment, but I do it for fun and entertainment, all the entertainment activities are an important part of life, need overall planning and efficient one by one. From this point of view, time does have a cost, everything must be planned right.


First straighten out.

Sun Tzu once said: Temple winner many temple be small, extra WINS, little is lost.

Before the war do not know want to do today, which is unacceptable to me.

I used to keep in mind before, old is not used, only writing. Cloud notes, things get much easier, what comes to mind with notes on the phone, to the PC-side Pack.

Check off to-do items all in one breath, who with who knows what.

My normal day is like this:


Anonymous users:

Most people, when he is working at the time, he did not study.

Xueba, when he was studying, he has really serious learning.

Xueba, when he failed to learn when he is learning.

Use your brain,not ur pose.


What I am not xueba, just so-so, share their experiences, laugh _ (: з "∠) _

Spend less time on things that don't matter, thing have to do finish, and always be aware of their pursuit of the goal.

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2, No Zuo No Die Why You Try--as a doctor, what are your "most people I have told him, but he would not listen to" advice?

In fact, this topic has been rain, Yan yan talked for a month, and not a "today" the freshest, but the content of the material, a case of typical so I frequently praise the table. Circle of friends the rumor + health shows flood + tense doctor-patient relationship, so that the "doctor" this most basic of the three characters become difficult to implement large long case and important knowledge in the original question and answer, it is worth understanding. The following collection of the best parts of ridicule, mostly will not die without dead series, doctors from all departments ... ... Well, you have worked hard ... ...

He Rongrong:

A psychiatrist, said the drugs don't stop don't stop, how they live in the

Zhang Yuhan:

1, water fasting before surgery, don't eat, don't drink, full operation this is dumb, don't drink the water.

2, the majority of prostatitis is a self-limited disease, don't drink, don't smoke, don't eat spicy, more exercise, warm water baths, himself just fine. You spend the big bucks to buy the odd keeper drug, a cup of pot, it'll be fine.

3, hospital doctor, TM wants to be one, especially take yourself the whole drug driving.

4 and let you into the intensive care unit, or ICU or CCU that is felt necessary, anxious to die faster.

5, urinary drainage tube of stomach tube, this will give you out, anxious to pull pull pull, pull out fever too TM.

6, the big masters of the prostate increased, don't drink so much, living made the urine die.

7, beating is illegal, doctors are human beings.

Crazy front heater peak:

Please line up behind

Employers have the money, give me a epic surgeon! (Manual Doge face

Han Xuan: Today know about Kochi franchise show brush three

Listen to me, hitting against the law, no, no, no, you know the Secretary too. Ouch.

Dean would not do surgery, really, Vice President can't do it, how much money is ~

Hello, I'm general surgeons, no, no, no, no senior surgeon, not looks down on you, and not money.

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3, is the materialization of your is again--why gender imbalance is not caused by the rise of women's social status?

Is important to be clear that, "what makes you no House no car no money to marry my daughter" is not the rise of women's status, but the rise in women. "Wu Yi XI Wei GUI", women are not "real" Ah, question the Lord would have such a reference, which itself is the role played by women as a society have not been sufficient recognition of performance. And in fact is not just men objectifying women, parents in physico-daughter, even many women in physical chemistry in yourself, either affirmative road a long way to go yet. See what friends say:

The pawn:

Price and status are two different things. Pet cat you are also objects, say Geld Geld;

Internet access prices dropped significantly, instead of opening the network era.

Bao Heyang:

Women's social status does not depend on (up) in women in love and marriage market bargaining power--in fact, women in the marriage market, the so-called "scarcity", it is the product of objectifying women thinking, and "women's rising social status" is completely contrary to.

Wait until society most people, including most of the women who think that "marriage and family just love lives of women (value) part of the optional" when gender equality is possible.

No Knight:

On women's status is low, now began to reverse the balance.

But raised a social question, they were never equal, and don't know how to get along with men in this position

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4, have no money, don't go out (mistakenly)-poor tour is not something to be proud of?

"Poor tour fever" created out of "fake ass friends"

Qiongjiafulu is an old proverb, hot in recent years widely criticized in previous years "poverty tour" was sarcasm, not just because of some dumb young people, more, is the fear that the value-oriented and personal safety. Poor tour itself is not a disgrace, not to be proud of, being poor or rich, tour stop, only an act of ordinary life, itself there is superior or inferior to the other do? Travel is to experience first, safety first.

European pig:

Poor tour focused on tour, poor but form. Form no basis for judging the value.

Fox sang:

Rational saving dig money pit and dead people are two different things.

Poor poor themselves, don't hang people, parents.

Keng pedestrians because they aren't stupid, cheap enough stupid things shall not be calculated do not need to add, or make claims claims eating meat is poor.

Don't pit parents are afraid of your heroic sky go out without my mind having an affair is not unscathed and even send back white hair sent hair not filial piety in the box against human.

Out the risks and invest within their means, money.

Alex waker:

First conclusion: I think people who think poor tour is pretty proud of myself, really not proud at all.

Money-rich tour, no money, poor tour, this is the normal logic, I'm curious about these poor tour of the party's superiority and contempt of the other chain is to have a strong heart? said to cheek dancing feet proud of?

Poverty tours, and tours, or simply stay at home, are a way of life, a neutral Act, there's nothing to be proud of.

Really to be proud of is, whether you are rich or poor tour tour, every penny you spend, is from your hands.

Really proud of is that you have the opportunity to ease, enjoy, whether it is eating MOM and dad, still near the Godfather, but you can't afford to lose that person choose to use their own hands to pay the way they want good views.

Really proud of is that even if you have been able to cool on its own strength, going so far, but you still don't feel like I have nothing, because in your heart, this is your life, nothing can be taken out and others bragged about.

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5, late-day snow, can drink a cup of non--when are people most comfortable?

Show discovery ♂ Hyatt, such a terrible expression, just because a drink favorite Cola is!

See this question think of one of my favorite poems: "the Green new-baked wine, there's a stir of red in the quiet stove. There's a feeling of snow in the dusk outside, what about a cup of wine inside. "How to read look at it, this is the most comfortable State ... ... Last topic, relaxed and happy, it's not early, good night.

Small Xu:

Done want to do things. Start doing things most want to do.

Zhang Yu:

Paving new sheets, when bare legs rubbing against


Air conditioning plus quilt


You're all too literary:


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